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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wings Design

This was the first design that we printed.  An idea for our designs was to make them symbolic.  Taking some of our favorite symbols form different cultures around the world.  An emphasis on Egypt, Hindu/Buddha and Astrology.  After several different designs in trying out these different directions.  I thought I should start with something simple.  Taking our main logo "Sam" and adding wings because it changed his appearance in an interesting way.  And almost leaving it there, I wanted to add a symbolism that maybe we all could relate to.  And that is why it has the Ink Blot image in the back.  Growing up as a kid and going to the doctor and being shown these images, I couldn't imagine that I even came close to what it was supposed to be.  But going home making my own, they never seemed to turn out as cool as Rorschach's.  But I felt that it completed the Design.

I hope You enjoy it.


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